Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nursery! Nursery! Nursery!

Since the day McKay become mobile, we counted the days so she could be in Nursery, and it's finally here! She is in nursery! It happened two weeks ago, and she loved it!. Their teachers said she was a pro. She liked being with her sister a lot, and I think Taylor didn't mind having her there either. They didn't even fight! Hooray for Nursery!


Julie said...

That is worth a celebration! I love nursery time. . . its so much better than "hall church," which is what you have when you are roaming the halls with a toddler. And its even better that she went in so smoothly. Yeah McKay!!

Anonymous said...

You've graduated from the hallway club...YEAH!!! We're right with you. Jane went in last week and it rocks. It's so cute that your girls are in together.

The Read Blend said...
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The Read Blend said...

Que bueno que tiene a su hermana mayor en la guarderia.Es mucho mas facil para los niños cuando tienen un hermano o amigo en la guarderia tambien. Hace un mes me llamaron para servir en la guarderia, yo creo que creyeron que me tenian que entrenar antes de que me convierta en madre.

The Read Blend said...
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